Like most Kenyan
children, I was raised in a Christian home. Sunday school and church was almost
a norm. This, anyone would think that it was automatic for a child with a
Christian background would end up a Christian.
It was not the case for me since; it was until
the age of 15 when I decided to give my life to Christ. Initially I had sort of
done that when I was in primary school, but this was different, it was a sober
commitment that I was making. I decided to surrender my teenage worries and
burden to Christ.
High-school was
not as much a challenge but it had issues of its own. My struggle then was
learning how to stand firm for Christ. It is in this stage where one often
seeks to belong to a group, wants to identify with the popular kids in school
and also stay relevant. Thankfully some high-school kids were young yet mature
enough to know what to stand for. Those kinds of people are the ones God used
to keep me in check at that time. It is from high-school that I realised the
importance of being accountable to people. They do not only keep one in check
but are also a fellowship where, we get healing. This is as the bible teaches
“Confess your sins one to another that you may be healed”. I am always grateful
that as a young believer I had people to cling to, and to walk with in the ups
and downs of my young life then.
I have been a
student most of my life, therefore my life is centred on school. Campus life
was somewhat challenging. With campus, comes freedom that often one longs for.
Great anxiety and curiosity clouded my young mind. I honestly believe that the
Lord in His divine plan for my life had a reason why I was to land in Karatina
My first year of
study was a rather “confused” one. By this I mean as far as ministry is
concerned. Yes, I was found in Church, but this was not the kind of Church I
was used to, the few months I was at home. This was different, the CU. It is a
community of students from different Christian denominations. I took time to
understand how things in the Christian Union were run. Learning why we were led
by a committee and not a pastor, why I would not bring my church doctrine in
the CU. Eventually I appreciated the CU and most of all the fact that its sole
source of authority was the Bible.
It was in campus
that my Christian life experienced tremendous growth. I loved ministering in
the Music department. I joined Choir and Praise teams right in first year, yes
in the midst of the “confusion”. I thank God for the CU officials (as we called
them ) that I found. They held me closely. I remember one Josephine Githutha,
who currently works with FOCUS (Fellowship of Christian Unions) Kenya. This
lady held my hand, during the time she was around, to this date she “keeps
tabs” on me. She always had with an
encouraging word for me. I can mention others who even though did not serve in
the Christian Union committee they were sisters and brothers who were true
believers in Campus. Faith Ngeru, Emma Nduta, Celine Adhiambo, Nehemiah Rotich
are just but a few who I looked up to and still do in my walk of salvation.
In Campus, I
also got an opportunity to serve in the Christian Union as a Music Coordinator.
I bless God, because that moment I felt inadequate, but His word encouraged me
that He perfects the imperfect. When I realised that I could be used for a
noble purpose in the Kingdom.
While also in
campus the Lord put a desire in me for the Muslim world. I desired to share the
Gospel to my Muslim friends in Campus. In the process of loving them and
sharing with them, I got to learn about Christian apologetics. A brother who
worked with FOCUS Kenya by the name Charles Githaiga was used by God as a
teacher in the Christian Union. This brother was instrumental in nurturing the
desire in me to reach Muslims. It was then that I understood that the great
commission requires total surrender and commitment to Christ. I always thought
evangelism was about preaching, but now I know there is more to that. There are
other needs that people face apart from knowing Christ. If as a Christian I
would be in a position to meet these needs then the world would have a room to
get to know Christ and His purpose for the world.
It is for this
reason; I became a red-cross volunteer and later a leader in Campus. I decided
to serve in what the bible calls “the pure and undefiled religion” James 1:27
Today I am
serving in the youth ministry at Full-gospel Zimmerman Worship Kenya. I bless
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