Wednesday, 5 August 2015


Encouraging myself is what I choose….Not because it is the easiest thing to do, not because I have a lot of good and sweet memories but it is because it is the right thing to do amidst very many option.

Life has a lot of struggles and difficulties and most times when discouragement comes my way I give in to it… Not knowing it’s the beginning of my downfall, or probably I do know but wouldn’t even care.
Wait a minute that right there is being selfish… yes I just said that. Ofcos I need to be happy for myself… that’s for sure. But sometimes it’s for others… friends, family, comrades at school and people I serve in Ministry.

Makes me realise that we are called for the world…. You know most of us Christians think that the “world” is a word to represent nonbelievers, strangers, people whom we can only travel long distances in order to reach. The reality is even the people we are close to form a portion of the world. People who look at you every day and see the Christ in you.

I choose to encourage myself because of this people. This is because not doing so does not only harm me but also the people around me. Yet Christ expects us to reach out to them, and our attitude towards life greatly determines their perception of Christ.

I choose to accept and apply agape... Imagine if Christ didn’t encourage himself through his suffering….what could have happened? As a follower of Christ, it is for the best that I learn from his life. He bore the pain, for you and me.

I choose this path not because it is easy but for the sake of others, and for the sake of the Gospel.


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